Experiencing Extended Realities
online, various locationscurated by Eva Fischer and Martina Menegon
Area For Virtual Art / sound:frame in collaboration with Vienna Design Week
with works by: Claire Hentshker, Malitzin Cortes, Ayo Aloba, Virgil Widrich & Martin Reinhardt, Maximilian Prag & Marlene Kager, Daryna Fez, Diana Andrei, Dominik Einfalt, MONOCOLOR
Under the title “Experiencing extended realities” we present the works of nine (inter)national artists who deal with the virtual as a new space of possibilities for their art. Most of the virtual artworks were created for the Area for Virtual Art or adapted for our virtual space. We see the digital as a laboratory in which we can make new experiences and experiment with our ideas of reality. The artistic and playful approach to the virtual space and to ourselves as avatars poses a challenge to our self-image and to our own construction of identity.
main virtual space designed by Enrico Zago, Martina Menegon